
宾馆地毯作为宾馆环境的重要组成部分,不仅影响宾馆的整体美观,还关系到旅客的住宿体验,clean and tidy hotel carpet not only contributes to the overall aesthetics of the hotel but also affects the guest experience. 保持地毯的清洁和卫生是宾馆管理的重要任务,This is why keeping the hotel carpets clean and hygienic is an essential task for hotel management. 本标准旨在制定一套科学、合理、可操作的宾馆地毯清洗标准,以指导宾馆行业地毯清洗工作的规范化和标准化,This document aims to establish a set of scientific, reasonable, and operationally feasible hotel carpet cleaning standards to guide the standardization of carpet cleaning work in the hotel industry.




根据宾馆的客流量和地毯的使用情况,制定合理的清洗频率,一般而言,地毯每3-6个月清洗一次,对于 high-traffic areas, such as lobbies and elevators, may require more frequent cleaning, up to every month or even shorter periods.


(1) tools and equipment: Prepare the necessary cleaning tools and equipment, such as vacuum cleaners, carpet shampooers, spot removers, brushes, and extractors.

(2) cleaning agents: Select appropriate cleaning agents according to the type of carpet and the degree of soiling. Common cleaning agents include carpet shampoo, spot remover, and deodorizer.


(1) Vacuuming: Use a vacuum cleaner with a carpet attachment to remove surface dust and debris. Ensure that all areas of the carpet are thoroughly vacuumed, including the edges and corners.

(2) Spot treatment: Apply appropriate spot remover to specific stains or soiling areas. Let the spot remover sit on the affected area for a few minutes to penetrate and break down the stain.

(3) Shampooing: Apply carpet shampoo evenly across the carpet surface. Use a carpet shampooer or a brush to work the shampoo into the carpet fibers. For stubborn stains, use a spot remover separately.

(4) Extraction: Use a carpet extractor or steam cleaner to rinse and extract the cleaning solution from the carpet. Ensure that all the cleaning solution is removed from the carpet to prevent residue buildup.

(5) Deodorization: Sprinkle carpet deodorizer on the carpet to neutralize odors and leave a fresh scent.


After the carpet cleaning is completed, carry out a thorough inspection and acceptance. Check the following aspects:

(1) Cleanliness: The carpet should be free from visible dirt, stains, and debris.

(2) Colorfastness: The color of the carpet should not fade or change after cleaning.

(3) Dryness: The carpet should be completely dry after cleaning, without any dampness or water marks.

(4) No damage: The carpet should not be damaged during the cleaning process, such as tears or distortion.

(5) eveness of carpet pile: The carpet pile should be uniform and not distorted or tilted after cleaning.


Regular maintenance is crucial to extend the life of the carpet and maintain its appearance. Some general maintenance tips include:

(1) Vacuum regularly to remove dust and debris.

(2) Spot clean immediately to prevent stains from setting in.

(3) Rotate and turn the carpet to distribute wear evenly.

(4) Have the carpet professionally deep cleaned every 12-18 months.


1、Training staff

Ensure that hotel staff involved in carpet cleaning are properly trained in carpet cleaning techniques and equipment usage. Provide regular training sessions to keep them updated on the latest carpet cleaning methods and best practices.

2、Developing a cleaning schedule

Create a detailed carpet cleaning schedule based on the hotel's occupancy rate and carpet usage. Assign specific tasks to staff members and ensure that the schedule is followed consistently.

3、Using professional cleaning services

For hotels with large carpet areas or complex cleaning requirements, it may be necessary to hire professional cleaning services. Professional cleaners have the expertise and equipment to handle extensive carpet cleaning tasks efficiently and effectively.

宾馆地毯清洗标准是保证宾馆地毯清洁、卫生和延长使用寿命的重要依据,By adhering to these hotel carpet cleaning standards, hotels can maintain a clean and welcoming environment for their guests, while also extending the lifespan of their carpet investments. regular maintenance and proper training of staff are also essential for achieving optimal carpet cleaning results.
